Ginseng: This super supplement could change your workout forever

BARCELONA, Spain — A popular nutritional supplement enhances athletic recovery and performance, a new study finds. The comprehensive analysis of over 700 studies, conducted by Spanish researchers, reveals that ginseng not only aids in the body’s recovery after exercising but also boosts performance and reduces the risk of injuries.

Ginseng, known for its wide array of health benefits including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, has now been scientifically confirmed to enhance physical exercise outcomes. The active compounds within ginseng act on the central nervous system, combat oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and regulate cortisol levels. This regulation is essential for metabolic functions and maintaining a healthy immune system.

The study meticulously analyzed findings from a vast pool of scientific literature to underscore ginseng’s efficacy.

“We’ve found that ginseng can play a significant role as a nutritional supplement when it comes to recovering after exercise,” says study author Borja Muñoz, a fitness coach at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) in Barcelona, in a university release.

💡What Is Ginseng?

  • Ginseng is a slow-growing perennial plant with fleshy roots, belonging to the genus Panax in the family Araliaceae.
  • It is highly valued for its medicinal properties and has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years.
  • There are several varieties of ginseng, with the most commonly known types being Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng), American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), and Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus), each having different uses and effects.
  • Ginseng can be consumed in various forms such as fresh, powdered, or as an extract in supplements, teas, and other health products.
Ginseng is a supplement very commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine
Researchers reveal that ginseng not only aids in the body’s recovery after exercising but also boosts performance and reduces the risk of injuries. (Photo: Adobe Stock)

Under the guidance of Patricia Martínez, a dietician, nutritionist, and course instructor at UOC, the team highlighted ginseng’s direct impact on diminishing fatigue and facilitating muscle recovery after playing sports.

The analysis concluded that regular consumption of ginseng significantly lowers post-exercise muscle damage in healthy adults. It aids in muscle regeneration, mitigates muscle fatigue, and addresses exercise-induced muscle damage through its unique properties.

One notable finding was ginseng’s ability to decrease levels of biological markers like creatine kinase (CK) and interleukin-6 (IL-6), which are indicative of muscle damage and inflammation. Additionally, ginseng helps reduce the accumulation of lactate in the blood, a common cause of muscle fatigue during intense physical exertion.

“When taken together with a balanced diet, ginseng can provide additional nutrition for athletes or anyone else who does physical exercise on a regular basis,” explains Muñoz. “It’s also worth noting that, unless it’s medically contraindicated in any given case, taking ginseng on a regular basis is considered beneficial (or at least not harmful) for healthy people.”

Beyond aiding recovery, ginseng’s role in reducing fatigue may also lower the risk of injury, thereby potentially enhancing athletic performance.

“Although recovery times vary based on the nature of the injury and between individuals, the damaged structures share the same physiological processes,” notes Muñoz. “That’s why professionals in this field must obtain the most efficient physiological context, to ensure that each person can recover as well and as quickly as possible. This is where ginseng comes in, as it can play a significant role in recovering from injuries.”

Man on treadmill at gym too tired to run
“When taken together with a balanced diet, ginseng can provide additional nutrition for athletes or anyone else who does physical exercise on a regular basis,” researchers explain. (© gstockstudio –

The inception of this study was sparked by Muñoz’s observations during his tenure as a fitness coach and injury specialist with a football club in China, where ginseng is a staple in traditional Chinese medicine. Soccer players reported notable benefits from ginseng consumption, likening its effects to those of an energy drink.

This pioneering research opens the door for further investigation into ginseng’s potential in sports performance and injury prevention. Researchers advocate for the development of a scheduled consumption protocol to maximize ginseng’s benefits.

“There’s still a significant amount of work to do, as ginseng has potential to increase athletes’ physical performance and help prevent certain injuries, particularly muscle injuries,” concludes Muñoz.

The study is published in the journal Nutrients.

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