Comments on: Love vs. Politics: How News Coverage Triggers Fights in Divided Couples Science news and product reviews. Sun, 21 Jan 2024 15:03:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jimmy D. Locke Sun, 21 Jan 2024 15:03:15 +0000 Forget left/right. It’s a mental health & quality of life issue.

When the sane and happy marry they support Trump because they’re both sane (that means they have values that are life-affirming and not contradictory to reality) and they’re both happy (and Trump’s rational life-affirming policies will increase their happiness.)

When the sane and happy marries the less sane and less happy, they’ll be a lot less happy as a couple because it will be the sane trying to reason with the not-sane. The not-sane wins the argument every time and the happiness eventually dies.

When the insane and unhappy marry each other they vote for Democrats and continue to be very unhappy without change, for ever and ever.

The end

By: Jay Sat, 20 Jan 2024 23:53:04 +0000 In reply to Trev.

Strong men don’t deal with lawyers and swat teams any better than weak men when women’s liberation turn push to shove.

By: FJB Thu, 18 Jan 2024 17:22:20 +0000 Do not marry a liberal female or any female who displays liberal tendencies. Just run through them. That’s what they are for. Conservative females are you best bet.

By: Rick M Singel Thu, 18 Jan 2024 17:16:30 +0000 In reply to kindra Turian.

Kindra, I can identify. My wife ONLY watches MSNBC and thinks other viewpoints are nonsense. It drives me absolutely NUTS!!!! She will NOT consider any point of view I have.
TRULY brainwashed by the MSM. Oh, she’s fully vaccinated too! Because MSM told her to do it, no matter what I counseled.

By: dollops Thu, 18 Jan 2024 16:15:18 +0000 In reply to Fred.

“I’m an atheist” means, “Big thoughts make my head hurt.” We don’t have to follow dogma when contemplating unanswerable questions but some really smart people laid out guideposts which only fools dismiss.

By: dollops Thu, 18 Jan 2024 16:05:25 +0000 In reply to Emory Kendrick.

Because politics affects everything from education (for children who evade the abortion industry) to warfare, there aren’t really “other things”. You who are complacent merely pass the responsibility on to others.

By: Jay Thu, 18 Jan 2024 15:03:27 +0000 In reply to Jim1937.

The Bible says that in the last days before the return of the Lord, a man’s worst enemies will be those of his own household.Matthew 10:36.
It also says to keeps your lips from her that lieth in your bosom during such times because you will be betrayed.

By: Jay Thu, 18 Jan 2024 14:58:04 +0000 In reply to Fred.

God will talk to you about it later. But you’ll need some heavy duty fire extinguishing and cooling equipment after the talk.

By: Jay Thu, 18 Jan 2024 14:52:16 +0000 This is to be expected when communists take over a country and tell women that they should have the right to have an opinion.

By: Jim1937 Thu, 18 Jan 2024 14:13:20 +0000 Simple solution: Never marry a democrat.

By: Chuck Noland Thu, 18 Jan 2024 14:10:09 +0000 In reply to Vendicar Decarian.

Democrat: Pyre fuel.

By: Trev Thu, 18 Jan 2024 12:43:55 +0000 Strong men don’t have this problem.

By: DC Thu, 18 Jan 2024 09:49:38 +0000 I think most people have known for several years that it is not wise to get involved with a person on the other side of the political divide. I wouldn’t touch one of them with a ten-foot pole. But it was not always like this. For many of us ten years ago, that rule did not seem as essential as it does now, so a lot of people in long-term relationships must find themselves having to deal with this problem. I feel sorry for them.

By: CommonCents Thu, 18 Jan 2024 06:34:45 +0000 In reply to Vendicar Decarian.

You follow in the footsteps of the 3 biggest mass murders of last century, all Leftists: Mao, Stalin, and Hitler (yes, National SOCIALISM was a leftist ideology), along with Pol Pot and other lefties.

By: Jeff Thu, 18 Jan 2024 05:41:05 +0000 Two of the big reasons my wife and I are together after over 2 1/2 decades is we both have a strong belief in G-d, and keeping our covenant with Him; and we both are conservative and therefore subscribe to the belief that Donald Trump is the ONLY human being that can reverse the worst of the destruction caused by Democrats.

By: Nothing new here Thu, 18 Jan 2024 04:49:55 +0000 Nothing new here.
I am assuming the reason my girl gets so upset is she is watching the news. As of late she loves Nikki. I read more of my news because the video clips are of the non-Trump candidates listing what they think all the problems are and taking jabs. No solutions.
As result we can’t talk about it as she has no reasons to like Nikki she just does. I am against big gov, taxes and wars. Totally against changing the border policy. Let’s enforce what is on the books before we make any changes. And more important the only candidate that has said out loud what to do with all the illegals let in under this regime’s and obamas neglect is Trump. Cannot promise i like his solution or think it is best. But right now it is the ONLY solution as none of the others have one.
Once again studyfinds makes a statement without looking into the facts. It must be from DC or Fairfax.

By: Steven T. Thu, 18 Jan 2024 04:41:43 +0000 In reply to Vendicar Decarian.

Your opinion seems to be common among your tribe. That’s why those who share your values murdered over 150,000,000 (150 million for you ignoratti) innocents in the 20th century alone. That’s why conservatives think you need a reality check.

By: Steven T. Thu, 18 Jan 2024 04:31:48 +0000 In reply to Sage.

Dude. You need to get some lovin’. Most women are the bomb, And count me in as an animal lover. I love to see them and photograph them and be among them. I also like to eat them. If I don’t, another animal will. Have you ever enjoyed a hamburger or a steak or chicken or lobster on the grill? I know you’re not a vegetarian, because if you were, you’d be a submissive to some woman.

By: Steven T. Thu, 18 Jan 2024 04:25:14 +0000 Amen brother.

By: Steven T. Thu, 18 Jan 2024 04:22:34 +0000 In reply to Fred.

affects. just sayin”.

By: Steven T. Thu, 18 Jan 2024 04:20:35 +0000 Well let’s be real here. Anyone who’d marry a liberal needs their head examined. So it’s no surprise that there’d be conflict, given that you have two mentally disordered people living in the same household.

By: ACV Thu, 18 Jan 2024 04:19:41 +0000 Republican men love democratic women.

Republican women hate democratic men.

So you dopey Republican men that marry Democratic women get what you deserve.

By: Old Goat Thu, 18 Jan 2024 04:16:55 +0000 We were joined in holy matrimony about 52 years ago. We worship together in a church. We study God’s Word in the Bible and we pray that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven, quite often. When two become one flesh, being also of one mind reinforces our commitment to each other. We are not divided, because scripture speaks very plainly about every moral issue of today as it has since it was written. We are both husband and wife and believers in Jesus Christ

If you want to get along seek God’s direction, His mercy and forgiveness, and His wisdom. He teaches us how to forgive each other. I cannot think of anything more valuable than being forgiven.

By: pete Thu, 18 Jan 2024 04:09:51 +0000 In reply to kindra Turian.

Maybe you should consider an annulment.

By: Fred Wed, 17 Jan 2024 15:08:24 +0000 In reply to Emory Kendrick.

Exactly, if you cant pick your battles you will never last as a couple. Im an atheist and my girl is as big a religious zealot as there ever has been.
She is mature enough to realize this is a losing battle, you might as well ask me to believe in the tooth fairy, so we just dont talk about it, there is a whole world of things to talk about other than religion and politics, neither of which effects your everyday life when you think about it.

By: Sage Wed, 17 Jan 2024 15:02:04 +0000 Most idiots ARE women! Knee jerkers and animal lovers….

By: Robert Haas Wed, 17 Jan 2024 09:45:16 +0000 Four keys to sanity.

1) Don’t watch the ‘news’, it is ALL biased and unreliable.

2) Do your own research and try to figure out the truth as best you can.

3) Don’t take any of it too seriously, the world is unlikely to end no matter which idiot gets elected.

4) Find other things to do and to talk about with your mate. We listen to murder mysteries and try to solve the case before the book ends.

By: Baltimore Billy Wed, 17 Jan 2024 09:11:41 +0000 Politicians: what good are they?

By: Vendicar Decarian Tue, 16 Jan 2024 23:49:51 +0000 Republican wife, convert to worm castings.
Repubican husband. convert to high protein animal feed.

By: scot tucker Tue, 16 Jan 2024 19:04:07 +0000 Anyone who listens to news is a fool. Look how the networks (MSNBC in particular) butchered Trump’s victory speech. Liberal bias is all you get. Nothing more.

By: kindra Turian Tue, 16 Jan 2024 18:02:06 +0000 I am a newlywed and we have some of these issues too. My husband gets so upset if President Trump’s name comes up. I just don’t get it- the mainstream media is constantly talking about how divided we are but then they propagate these arguments and seem to just LOVE it. Do you care at all about society and what is happening to families? What I have found is that on mainstream media they like to agree with the liberal side and that influences their viewers – it’s opinion- not facts at all. They cite no studies or facts it’s just this discussion about ohh wouldn’t it be nice if…- also when you are a liberal you seem to not be able to ask hard questions of your liberal buddies- I haven’t seen the opposite be true. I think if I have to watch Margaret again on CBS Meet the Press- my head will explode.

By: Emory Kendrick Tue, 16 Jan 2024 05:10:06 +0000 We don’t talk politics or religion in our home. She watches news and I prefer to read mine. No arguments about the content. There are other things in life aside from politics.
